About six weeks ago I got the worst letter ever. Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic but it truly brought my to tears. Not a full on cry but the kind were your eyes well up and one of them might drip a little. So what was the heartbreaking news? Every stay at home mom's worst nightmare- my local Gymboree Learn & Play was closing.
If you know me in real life or have followed this blog for awhile, you know that we have been part of the Gymboree family for a long time. When Aubrey was a little under six months old I signed up for classes two days a week just to get us out of the house. At the time I had no friends with kids who or who didn't work during the day so it was just Aubs and I all the time. There are only so may strolls around the lake, trips to Target and stops at the grocery store for one item before you go a little stir crazy. Gymboree helped me to get out of my stay at home mom rut. I also partially credit Gymboree for the reason why Aubrey is so sociable.
As Aubrey got older we went a little less but still had an incredible love for all things Gymboree. If you scroll through my archives you'll find many pictures of Aubs clutching Gymbo the clown, who she still sleeps with every night. About a month before we heard the awful news, Finley had started up Gymboree as well. I am so sad that she won't be able to have the same experience as Aubrey did. We have recently tried out a location that is a bit farther away but it's just not the same. All good things must come to an end, I suppose.